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Killing my babies - the joys of editing a novel.

  Killing your babies is an expression often heard when it comes to the dreaded editing stage of a novel. The babies in question being those sections that for one reason or another don't make the cut and are unceremoniously consigned to a computer hard drive or similar storage devices never to be seen again. This was the case with the following text which was part of the first draft of my romantic crime fiction novel "The Janitor" - which I hope to publish later this year. The reason for this being that I was accused of drifting off into the realms of the paranormal, a charge that wasn't without foundation. It wasn't an easy decision though as paranormal or not, I quite liked it, and it really did feel as if I was killing one of my babies when it was cut. Anyway I thought I would post it here, in the belief that even if only one person reads it, my efforts weren't in vain.     As an aside Bernie, the neuro diverse main charecter, was born out of the #vss365 da

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